In One Accord

Since she has been very successful in her career, she thought people should just agree with her since she has the right perspective on many things. This led her to judge her family often for being different. When she heard the teaching on “Motivational Gifts,” she realized that God wired people differently at creation…

Testimony: In One Accord

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. (Proverbs 3:5~6)

Lee-Ling Lin (L3) became one of The Promised Land Ministries International’s discipleship group members in 2009.  On this past July 4th, she took Rev. Rachel and Pastor Ling-Ling out for lunch.  She talked about how she had been praying for some important issues but did not see any results.  Rachel and Ling-Ling reminded her that God’s sheep could hear His voice (John 10:4); and they encouraged her to start with praying for little things and to exercise hearing from the Lord daily.

L3 began the exercise right away and her interaction with God improved instantly.  Three days later on July 7th, L3 heard the Lord telling her to minister in Davis, CA, with Rachel and Ling-Ling.  She emailed them for confirmation and they confirmed for her to join the short-term mission team.  Previously, she had heard that Rachel and Ling-Ling were going to minister at a church in Davis at the end of July.  But she did not know that four other members from The Promised Land’s Friday discipleship group were going with them.  Since she had been attending the Saturday group and did not know the Friday group members well, she was concerned about whether or not she could fit in right away.  But when the team got together, she found that they all had the same spiritual views and values, despite the different teaching themes between the Friday and Saturday discipleship groups , and she fitted right in with great joy.

Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. (Matthew 18:19)

While ministering at Pioneer Christian Fellowship in Davis from July 25th to the 27th, Rachel taught on the first part of a series “From Spiritual Gifts into Destiny,” with the teaching titled “Motivational Gifts” (Romans 12:6~8).  During their Sunday service, Rachel preached on “Unity in Christ” (Matthew 18:19, 7:1~12; John 17:11~23).  She addressed the issue that judging others consequentially weakens unity and therefore causes prayers to be ineffective for many Christians.  L3 was convicted of this, and felt that was her problem.  Since she has been very successful in her career, she thought people should just agree with her since she has the right perspective on many things.   This led her to judge her family often for being different.   When she heard the teaching on “Motivational Gifts,” she realized that God wired people differently at creation.  Based on the seven motivational gifts, people are predestined into seven personalities to complement each other.  Christians need to appreciate each other’s differences in personality and work together to accomplish God’s will as the body of Christ.   Furthermore, another team member testified about how God changed her perspective and subsequently noted ten positive traits about her father.  So, L3 decided not only to stop judging her husband, but also to write down ten positive traits about him.  Once she started writing, she easily went above ten and kept going.  Soon her heart was filled with great appreciation toward the Lord and her husband. She apologized to her husband and her daughter through texting from Davis. The family later had a great time conversing over the phone.

On top of this, L3 also learned that she has the personality of Organizer while her daughter’s is Mercy.  Although they are close to each other, their communication had always stumbled over certain issues for whatever reason.  While in Davis, L3 asked a girl with the personality of Mercy to show how she would communicate those issues to someone like herself.  Upon returning home, L3 talked to her daughter in the same way that the Davis girl had taught her.  The ease in communicating with her daughter amazed L3.  From this trip, L3 has realized that she had been so wrong in the past and yet God still loves her dearly.  She is truly grateful that the Lord has convicted her of her many wrongs.  She has learned to humble herself and to appreciate the diversity coming from those with different personalities and perspectives.  Glory to the Almighty God!

Lee-Ling Lee,  Northern California, USA - August of 2014


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